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Home Computer Basics Module

Module : Computer Basics
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Using the Internet (continued)

Using Bookmarks

There are millions of websites out there. Keeping track of the ones you like would be a lot of work without something to help!

Most browsers have a "Bookmarks" menu that allows you to add the page you're viewing to a list of pages you can pick from a menu, instead of typing out the address every time you want to see it. Just choose "Add Bookmark" from the Bookmarks menu, and then check the bookmarks menu again: you'll see the title of the page you bookmarked at the bottom of your list!

Some browsers like Internet Explorer call bookmarks "Favorites", and have a "Favorites" menu instead - but it works the same way.

You can use bookmarks to collect all of your favorite websites - news, sports, education, shopping - and get them quickly and easily.

Last up in the browser tutorial is searching the web - it's a big place. How do you find what you want?

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