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Home Computer Basics Module

Module : Computer Basics
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Using the Keyboard (continued)

First, we will talk about ordinary typing. You will be able to practice typing right here on the page!

When to type

If you just start typing letters on the keyboard right now, the chances are pretty good that nothing will happen. That's because the computer isn't expecting you to type anything right now, since you're reading this page. You have to make sure the computer is "listening" before you start to type.

One way to make the computer "listen" is to click in a text box. A text box is a blank rectangle that you can type in. A sample text box is shown below.

You can type in this box, but first you need to tell the computer to listen. Do this by clicking inside the text box. Click inside the text box now.

Notice that there is now a blinking line in the text box. This blinking line is called the insertion point. It shows you that the computer is listening and waiting for you to type. It also shows you where what you type will go. Go ahead and type some letters and see where they appear.

If you'd like to start over, notice that there is a button below the text box that says "Reset." Click this button, and the text in the box will be reset to what it was before you started typing. After you click "Reset," you'll need to click in the text box again before you can type more.

Here is another text box for you to practice in. Sometimes there will be many text boxes on a single page. This one's a different shape than the first one, but it works the same way.

Good work. On the next page, we will learn more about the insertion point.

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