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The Learning Ladder II

Home A reading and writing curriculum for Family Child Care Providers, Children and Families

Module 3: Parents as Partners
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Welcome to the Introduction to Module 3!

Woman standing at open door

Module Objectives

Parents are their children's first educators and they know more about their child than anyone else. For example, they know what makes them happy or sad, what is difficult for them or what they enjoy.

This module will help you understand the importance of building relationships with parents so that you can provide the best care for their children. It will also provide you with some suggestions to help you improve your communication with parents.

In this module you will learn ...

  • the important part that parents play in their children's growth and development.
  • the benefits for children when their parents participate in activities that you do in your program.
  • the ways to increase both your formal and informal communication with parents.

In this module you will ...

  • review your policies for working with parents.
  • develop a method for regularly sharing information about each of the children in your care.
  • describe the benefits of working with parents.
  • interview and describe what a parent wants for his or her child.

Terms from the Field

Below are words and definitions that you may need when you work as a Family Child Care Provider. You will learn more about these words later in the module.

When you see the speaker speaker after each of the definitions you can hear the pronunciation of the term and what it means.

drop off - Drop off is a time when parents bring their children at the beginning of their day.


pick up - Pick up is a time when parents take their children home at the end of their day.


parent involvement - Parent involvement is when a family child care provider designs activities to include parents in your program and their child's away from home experiences. The family project activities at the end of each module are examples.


partnership - A partnership is when two people work together. An example is when a parent and a family child care provider meet to develop a plan to help a child play more cooperatively.


self-esteem - Self-esteem is when a child has good feelings about him or herself and the things he or she is able to do.


If you find other words that you don't understand, you can do two things :

1. Learn how to identify a word without a dictionary.


2. Use an online dictionary that will be at the bottom of each page. See below.

Type in the word (or cut and paste it) in the box below. Click the Get the Definition button. You will then go to the dictionary.reference.com web site. Note: To return to this page, use your browser's "back" button.

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