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The Learning Ladder II

Home A reading and writing curriculum for Family Child Care Providers, Children and Families

Module 2: The Role of Play
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Writing Activity

  1. Sit by the sand or water table and watch toddler aged children for 15 minutes.
  2. Write about what was happening in the area. Answer these questions:

    What were they doing?
    Were they talking? What were they saying?
    What ideas for playing did you give them?

    For example:

    Andrea and Diana were fighting over a big cup. Each child was saying that the big cup was hers. I talked with them about sharing things. Then, I gave them several cups of different sizes.

  3. Type in a word processing program and save it to your disk portfolio.
  4. Share what you wrote with your writing tutor.

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