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The Learning Ladder II

Home A reading and writing curriculum for Family Child Care Providers, Children and Families

Module 2: The Role of Play
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

The Stages of Play

Children discover and learn about their world when they play. Play develops imagination and creativity and gives children practice in the social skills they need in our world. Children do not play for reward or because someone told them that it is good to do. They play because they like it. Children learn the skills of socializing with one another in social play. By playing with one another, children learn social rules such as waiting, taking turns, cooperation and sharing things. Children go through stages of play as they grow.

Look at the examples of the developmental stages of play below.

Solitary Play
A child is in a room full of other children, but he/she is playing alone and not paying attention to anyone.
girl building with blocks
Parallel Play
Children are playing the same game or activity. They are playing next to each other, but they are not talking or doing the same activity.
woman with three children
children all trying to step on a colored shape
Associative Play
Children are playing the same game, but they are not working together or connecting with one another.
A boy and a girl playing together Cooperative Play
Children are working together to play a game.

Examples of activities within the developmental stages of play are:

solitary play: a child playing with blocks alone in a corner.

parallel play: two or more children playing with blocks near each other but not talking with each other.

associative play: two or more children playing with blocks building the same thing, talking with each other but not working together to create something.

cooperative play: two or more children are playing with blocks building the same thing, talking with each other and working together to create something.

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