A Reading and Writing Curriculum for Early Care and Education Teachers, Children and Families
Click on the small circle (button) next to the example that is the best idea for activities that support parent involvement in your classroom. If you can't answer a question, just go on to the next one. When you have finished, choose Check Answers at the bottom of the page to see your score.
1. Create a classroom where parents feel welcomed.
Have activities that everyone in the family will enjoy. Send home newsletters and positive notes about a child's progress. Hang children's art so parents will stop and look at it. Say hello to parents and children using their names. Ask them to supervise with a field trip, teach a hobby, or read. -- (I don't know / no answer)
2. Have parents spend time at the center.
3. Find ways to communicate with parents.
4. Invite everyone in the family to participate.
5. Ask parents to lead an activity.
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