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Home A Reading and Writing Curriculum for Early Care and Education Teachers, Children and Families

Module 6: Curriculum Planning
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Table Toys or Manipulatives

Table toys and manipulatives are such things as puzzles, beads, pegs and peg boards. They are called table toys because children can play with them at a table or in an area on the floor. Children have the choice of playing with table toys alone, with a friend or with an adult.

When children play with table toys they are practicing many skills.

  • When a small group of children play lotto or matching games, they are practicing their ability to work cooperatively. They are also practicing their ability to wait and take turns, and staying with a task from beginning to end.
  • When children play with sort and match games, they are practicing with concepts of color, size, shape and texture.
  • Table toys like pegs and bead stringing give children the chance to practice their fine motor control and their eye-hand coordination.
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