A Reading and Writing Curriculum for Early Care and Education Teachers, Children and Families
Please answer the questions below by clicking on the small circle (button) next to the answer you think is best. If you can't answer a question, just go on to the next one. When you have finished, choose Check Answers at the bottom of the page to see your score.
1. Chen is painting at the easel alone.
Solitary play Parallel play Associative play Cooperative play -- (I don't know / no answer)
2. Juan is "serving dinner" to a table full of friends in the housekeeping area.
3. Trisha, Jenny, and Keiko are reading different books in the library area.
4. Three girls are in the block area. Each child is building her own building.
5. Diana is measuring sand in a small pitcher at the sand table.
6. There is a group of children playing the game of Chutes and Ladders on the rug.
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